I Believe an Introduction is in Order.

Gentlemen. Ladies. Welcome to A Single Man's Diary. You can call me Duke. This diary will only be posted on by your's truly with 100% genuine stories about my interactions or observations with the opposite sex, unless told otherwise. Some of what you may read will be of sexual nature, and possibly offensive. If you feel you have to comment, go right ahead, what's done is done. I will also give you suggestions of what I have learned from my many dealings with women. All the people mentioned will be given aliases to keep their identities secret. I will post a different case (my interactions with a specific woman) at least once a month, and will start from the beginning. These cases will not necessarily be in order of when they occurred, but I'll do my best. Since some of the subjects of cases appear in the recalling of other cases, I may use different aliases in different cases, but I will never use the same alias for two different subjects. When referring to a subject's "best friend" I will use the name Diamond. When referring to a subject's "ex" I will use the name Squid. I hope you enjoy your stay, and return back soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Random Entries: Mornings

 Normally a morning can be a great thing, it’s the beginning of the day, where anything can happen, but then again if your brother came home to visit, stayed up until 3 hours before you had to get to work, that morning can be just a bad experience. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the room and the heart attack of an alarm clock shocked my ears, I sprang from my bed in a sleep drunken phase. My cat was calling me for food as he normally did, and so I went to get him what he wanted. You know when you put your hand on the wall when you lean over so that you don’t fall. Well I attempted such a feet, where as my hand slipped from its position on the wall and broke through the laundry basket in my bathroom, the food I was giving my cat flew to cover as much ground as it could, and I face planted right into the side of my now broken laundry basket. Mornings are great when you wake up unconscious enough to face plant into a piece of furniture, brush yourself off and continue on with your already going well morning.

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